IVSS - International Virtual Science Symposium
IVSS - Ineternational Virtual Science Symposium
The IVSS is a way for primary through undergraduate students from all GLOBE countries to showcase their research and hard work. With GLOBE, students learn the practices of science through hands-on investigations in their own communities, which sparks their curiosity and interest in science. This often leads to inquiries that help solve real-world problems and further understanding of our global environment. It's time for your students to show the world what they've learned!
Učenički, odnosno školski projekti izrasli iz programa GLOBE, najviša su razina njegove obrazovne komponente. Oni potiču dublje razumijevanje i analizu dobivenih rezultata, povezivanje i primjenu temeljnih školskih znanja u rješavanju konkretnih problema u svojoj sredini, kroz njih se razvija prosuđivanje i ostvaruje istraživački, djelatni i multidisciplinarni pristup učenju, unapređuje se vještina komuniciranja i vježba timski rad.
Poveznice na naše GLOBE projekte objavljene na službenim GLOBE stranicama – International Virtual Science Symposium
IVSS 2021.
Water and soil temperature investigation - discovers reliable connection
IVSS 2020.
How warm is the heart of Zagreb?
IVSS 2018.
Why do students absent?
IVSS 2017.
Light pollution and our sleep, Tempora mutantur (Times are changing), what about aerosols?
IVSS 2014.
Physicochemical characteristics of water of streams on Medvednica mountain II